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Terms of Use

This Legal Notice provides the Terms & Conditions upon which access to this website is permitted. 


Gavin Renwick provides the information contained on this website and/or any pages comprising the website to visitors subject to the Term & Conditions set out herein. The Privacy Policy and other relevant terms & conditions, policies and notices which may be applicable to a specific section or module of this website.

By using this website your hereby agree that you have read these Terms & Conditions which are agreed.

Should you not agree to the Terms & Conditions then you are not authorised to view or use this website.

Terms & Conditions

By use of this website, you hereby agree the following:


  1. Gavin Renwick will take reasonable care to ensure that the information on this website is accurate and complete. However, it is provided for information purposes only and should not be treated as comprehensive advice upon which you may relay. No information on this website shall be constructed as legal advice and is offered for information purposes only. Visitors should always seek legal advice from an appropriately qualified solicitor or an equally qualified professional. 

  2. Gavin Renwick reserves the right at any time to change or discontinue without notice any aspect or feature of this website and excludes all liability for any loss or damage resulting from using or relying upon any information that appears or is omitted from this website.

  3. Nothing on this website constitutes a contractual representation, warranty or offer capable of acceptance.

  4. Gavin Renwick will monitor visits to this website and retain information about its users including the use of cookies and personal information that you provide when communicating. For the avoidance of doubt, Gavin Renwick will not provide any of this data to third parties unless required to do so by law.

  5. External links from this website to any other website are provided for convenience only. Gavin Renwick does not accept any responsibility or liability for the content of external websites and links should not be interpreted as implying any endorsements from Gavin Renwick. When visiting external links you must refer to the external websites Terms & Conditions of Use.

  6. Gavin Renwick is not responsible for any material submitted to the public areas (now or in the future) by visitors which include bulletin boards, hosted pages, chat rooms or any other public area found on the website. Any material is not endorsed, reviewed or approved by Gavin Renwick whom reserves the right to remove any material submitted by you or Third Parties, without notice. 

  7. Gavin Renwick will take reasonable care to ensure that the website and materials available to visitors are virus-free. However, Gavin Renwick cannot accept responsibility for any viruses that may affect any material you download.

  8. Visitors may not misuse the website without limitation or gain unathorised access to the website or any server on which the website is stored or by knowingly introducing viruses, trojans, worms, or other malware and visitors agree not to attack the website via denial of service attack or distributed denial of service attack. 

  9. Any criminal offences as defined pursuant to the Computer Misuse Act 1990 or other will be reported to the relevant law enforcement authorities and Gavin Renwick will co-operate with those authorities by disclosing your identity to them. In such an event, your right to use the website will cease immediately.

  10. Visitors agree not to use the website to send or post any message or material that is unlawful, harassing, defamatory, abusive, indecent, threatening, harmful, hateful, racially, religious or ethnically offensive, profane, phonographic or violates any applicable law. Further, you hereby indemnify Gavin Renwick or any Third Party whom may suffer from acts caused by or attributable to, whether directly or indirectly your use of the website to send or post any message or material.

  11. The Trade Marks names and logs (collectively 'Trade Marks') displayed on this website are trade marks of Gavin Renwick. Nothing contained on this website should be construed as granting any license or right to use any Trade Marks without prior written permission of Gavin Renwick.

  12. All aspects of this website - design, text, graphics, apps, software, source-code and all other aspects are the copyright of Gavin Renwick. In accessing these webpages, you agree that the downloading of any content is personal, non-commercial use only. Reproduction or transmission of the content of this website is not permitted without express agreement of Gavin Renwick. All rights reserved by Gavin Renwick.

  13. No information or other material displayed on this website may be used for commercial purposes or incorporated into any other document without the written consent of Gavin Renwick. 

  14. Calls to any and all numbers listed on this website may be recorded for monitoring purposes.​




These website Terms & Conditions constitute the entire record of the agreement between you and Gavin Renwick in relation to your use of the website. Neither you nor Gavin Renwick shall be bound by any other representation not recorded herein concerning the same. Unless otherwise agreed, these Terms & Conditions supersede any previous agreement. 




Gavin Renwick reserves the right to modify any relevant Terms & Conditions. Accordingly, you acknowledge that by visiting the website from time to time that you should be bound to the current version of these Terms & Conditions. 




In the event of conflict between the Terms & Conditions governing the use of this website and that of a specific section or module to the website, those specific Terms & Conditions will prevail unless otherwise excluded. 


14.4   CESSION


Gavin Renwick shall be entitled to cede, assign and delegate any and all of his rights and obligations to a third party. 




All Terms & Conditions set out herein are severable from each other. Any term and/or condition that becomes unenforceable in the relevant jurisdictions shall be so only to the extent that it is unenforceable and all other term and/or conditions shall remain in full force.




This Agreement and your use of the website shall be governed and construed in accordance with the laws of England & Wales without giving effect to any principles of conflict of law. Accordingly, you here by consent to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Courts of England & Wales in respect of any disputes arising in connection with the website or any relevant Terms & Conditions or any other matters related to or in connection therewith. 

C o n t a c t   U s :


Should you have any questions regarding this policy then please e-mail us at:



And quote 'Website' in the Subject Line. 

We shall endeavor to respond to all enquiries within 48 hours.


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