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Privacy Policy

We are committed to protecting your personal data as detailed in the protocols set out below. This includes important information on the Practice, how and why your personal information is collected, stored, used and shared.

Read more about our Privacy Policy below.

We collect, use and are responsible for certain personal information about you. This data is collected subject to data protection legislation and we are responsible as the 'controller' of that personal information for the purposes of those laws.

Image by Andrew Kliatskyi

Commitment to Privacy

This policy explains your rights as a user of this website concerning your personal information and how to contact us or the supervisory authorities in the event that you have a complaint. Should you have any comments regarding the policy then please get in touch with us via the 'Contact Us' section below.

Defining Terms

Throughout this policy, we employ the following definitions:



Any information relating to an identifiable person whom can be directly identifited by particular reference to the identifier.



This consists of sensitive personal data such as information concerning your religion, race, ethnicity, sexuality, sex-life, biometrics, genetics, family, politics, trade union membership and/or health



As defined by our client's retainer but otherwise given the standard definition of advice, representation and advocacy on legal matters in the jurisdiction of England & Wales.



Gavin Renwick



Third Parties that we work with under agreement/contract to support the work on your claim. E.G. Cost lawyers, expert witnesses and Counsel.



Includes but is not limited to obtaining, holding, recording and transmitting the information or data, carrying out operations in relation to the information/data which includes but is not limited to:

  • Updating and/or altering the information/data.

  • Retrieval, review or use of the information/data.

  • Disclosure and dissemination of the information/data.

  • Securing and if necessary, destroying the  information / data.



A limitation period is the period of time within which a party to a contract or dispute must issue proceedings in a court.

The date itself is the final data for this period.

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Data Controller

Gavin Renwick is the Data Controller and bound by the requirements of the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) and the Data Protection Act 2018 for the personal data that we process. 


Consequently, he is responsible for ensuring his systems, processes, suppliers, contractors and employees comply with Data Protection laws to the date that we handle your data.

What Data is Collected?

Should you become a client, we will require your personal data in order to progress your claim. This includes your name, contact telephone number, e-mail address, residential address, data of birth, bank/building society details, employment status, details of any trade union membership, National Insurance Number and/or Passport to check and verify your identity. 

Your Personal Data that we collect includes:

We collect personal information directly from you when:


You make an enquiry via the website, e-mail or over the telephone.

How Your Data is Gathered

We only collect personal information from a Third Party when you provide us with the authority to do so (e.g. from your GP when you authorise us to collect your GP Records). This can include but is not limited to your current and former employer, bank or building society, pension administrators, doctors or occupational health professionals, insurance providers, trade unions, credit reference agencies, client due diligence providers and other introducers. 


We may also collect information from publicly accessible sources such as Company House or H.M. Land Registry. 

This Practice endeavors to keep all data safe by taking all reasonable precautions to protect data from misuse, loss, unauthorised access, modifications or disclosure. This security includes but is not limited to:


All outgoing electronic communication is encrypted by a leading 3rd Party security company.

How Your Data is Protected

Why Your Data is Used

A Legitimate Interest is when we have a business or commercial reason to  use your information, so long as this is not superseded by your own rights and interests. Typically, this will be for a Business Sale/Restructure where we may also need to share some personal information with other parties such as potential buyers of some or all of the Practice or during restructuring. In such a scenario, data will usually be anonymised but this may not always be possible. However, in all circumstances the recipient of the information will be bound by confidential obligations. 


We may wish to use your data for new purposes not covered in this current draft of the Privacy Policy. Should this be the case, then we will update this Privacy Police and whenever necessary, we will seek your prior consent to the new processing. 

Pursuant to the Data Protection Laws, we can only use your personal information if we have a proper reason for doing so, e.g:

Image by Andrew Kliatskyi

We will use your data to:



Whether we are able to act for you.



Legal advice, representation and services to you as detailed in our Retainer.



And communicate with you.



Internal Record Keeping and analysis.



Your satisfaction.



Any complaints or concerns raised by relevant individuals.



With contractual and regulatory audits.



The Practice including troubleshooting, fraud detection, data analysis, testing, research, marketing, statistical and survey processes to identify and assist vulnerable individuals and to keep our website, systems safe and secure.

During the course of a clients' claim we may find it necessary to instruct suppliers to provide specialist services e.g. expert witnesses and counsel. This may involve the sharing of data with some of the following organisations, subject to, where appropriate your specific consent to the processing of this data.

  1. Your insurers where relevant for the purpose of funding and/or advancing your case.

  2. Medial Agencies to arrange medical appointments.

  3. General Practitioners and Hospitals regarding your medical history and/or accident circumstances. 

  4. Medical Experts for the purposes of providing medical reports. 

  5. Rehabilitation providers for treatment, advice and/or records.

  6. The Coroners Office to support or determine the cause of death.

  7. Organisations whom utilise CCTV to gather evidence.

  8. Various Local Authorities to gather evidence.

  9. Various Police Authorities and other law enforcement agencies to gather evidence to protect you when relevant.

  10. The Health and Safety Executive to establish accident circumstances.

  11. Engineering firms to arrange inspection of various items and/or objects. 

  12. Chartered Surveyors to inspect and advise on construction works.

  13. Vehicle Hire companies to arrange alternative transport if appropriate.

  14. Repair organisations to gather information to recover the cost for the repair of vehicles.

  15. Third Party Insurers or their representatives for the purpose of advancing clients' claims.

  16. Agencies to verify driver and insurance details e.g. the Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency and the Motor Insurance Bureau.

  17. Opponents for the purpose of advancing our clients' claims and to comply with regulatory and legal requirements. 

  18. Courts, barristers/counsel in support and to advance clients' claims.

  19. Mediation Providers and other individuals whom support the mediation processes and services between insurers and ourselves.

  20. Current and former employers where with your consent, we may require/need evidence to support your case. 

  21. Trade Unions for legal funding and evidence gathering to support clients' cases.

  22. Litigation friend/authorised persons where clients need support in order to pursue their case.

  23. Recognised external e-signature providers. 

  24. Our bank and/or building society.

Further, we may need to share your data to satisfy regulatory and legal obligations with the following organisations:

  • The Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA).

  • The Serious Organised Crime Agency (SOCA) where criminal activity is suspected.

  • The National Crime Agency where fraudulent activity is suspected. 


Furthermore, in support of our commercial obligations, we may need to provide your data to/for:

  • Auditing of cases by those organisations that have recommended our services to you such as a marketing agency or the organisations whom have provided your Legal Expense Insurance to test our processes and assess our service level. For the avoidance of doubt, should your case be selected for audit your consent will first be sought before information provided.

  • Reporting requirements for those organisations whom have recommended our services to you. 

  • Secure your legal expense insurance as providers will often provide as a condition of the policy to be regularly updated as to the progress of your claim. 

What Is Done With Your Data

How Long Your Data is Retained

We are legally obliged to retain documents in order to meet our regulatory and statutory obligations for a period of 6 years from the conclusion of your dispute. However, should the claim have been on behalf of a minor then the data will be held for a period of 10 years from the minor's 18th birthday. In some cases, we may be required to retain documents for a longer period of time but we shall provide you with this information should that be the case. 

Promotional Communications

We will only send your marketing or promotional communications where you have provided opt-in consent. When this happens we may use your personal data to keep you updated about legal and/or industry developments that my be of interest to you and/or information about our services including exclusive offers, promotions or new services and/or products. 


Gavin Renwick has a legitimate interest in processing your data for promotional purposes. This means that he does not usually need your consent to send your promotional communications. However, as a matter of good practice, it is his policy to seek this consent separately and clearly. 


You have the right to opt-out at any time of receiving promotional communications at any time by using the:


  1. Unsubscribe Link: - contained in any communications that we may send you. 

  2. Phone: - +44 0118 206 9005 and state that it is a marketing matter.

  3. E-Mail: - Please label in the subject line 'opt-out'. 

  4. Post: - Gavin Renwick Legal Services, 40 Caversham Road, Reading, RG1 7EB


Please note, we may ask you to confirm or update your marketing preferences should you instruct us in the future or there are changes in the law, regulation or the structure of this practice.

Your Rights

You have the following rights that can be exercised free of charge.



The right to be provided with a copy of your personal data.



The right to require us to correct any mistakes in your Personal Data.



The right to require us to delete your personal data.



The right to require us to restrict processing of your personal data in certain circumstances.



The right to receive the personal data you provided us in a structured, commonly used and machine readable format and/or to transmit the data to a Third Party in certain situations.



You may object at any time your personal data is being processed for direct marketing (including profiling) and in certain situations during our continued processing of your personal data e.g. processing carried out for the purposes of our legitimate interests. 



The right not be subjected to automated individual decision making. This is the right not be subject to decison based solely on automated processing that includes profiling that produces the legal effects concerning you or a similarly significantly affects you.

For further information on each of these aforementioned rights including the circumstances in which they apply, please contact us or see the guidance from the UK Information Commissioner's Officer (ICO) on individuals' rights under the GDPR/DPA 2018. 


Should you wish to exercise any rights or like to see the information that we hold regarding you then please utilise the contact form below.



Request a Telephone Call :

Thanks for submitting!

You will receive an automated confirmation that we have received your request and we will contact you that same day.

We look forward to speaking with you. 

Changes to This Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy was published 20/02/2023 and last updated equal date. 


Gavin Renwick as part of his ongoing commitment to Data Protection and compliance with legislation pursuant to the GDPR/Data Protection Act 2018 may change this policy from time to time. As such you are encouraged to check this policy intermittently to ensure that you are aware of the most recent version. 

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