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Equality & Diversity Statement

We are committed to eliminating unlawful discrimination, harassment, bullying and to promoting equality and diversity within our polices, practices and organisation. This applies to professional dealings with clients, contractors, other solicitors and third parties. 


Read our Equality & Diversity Statement below. 


This Practice will endeavor to treat everyone appropriately and with the same attention courtesy and respect regardless of

  • age;

  • disability;

  • gender;

  • race;

  • nationality, color, ethnicity or national origins;

  • religion;

  • sexual orientation;

  • marital status/civil partnership;

  • pregnancy, maternity, paternity or caring responsibility;

  • work pattern;

  • membership or non-membership of a trade union; or

  • any other reason which is irrelevant to the employee or contractor's ability to perform their job. 


This practice will take all reasonable steps to ensure that employees or contractors do not unlawfully discriminate under the terms of this policy and legislation in force.

Scope of this Policy

This policy covers all individuals working at all levels and grades. Third parties whom have access to this practices' electronic communication and/or case management systems or equipment are also required to comply with this policy.


Ultimate responsibility for implementing this policy rests with Gavin Renwick. All contractors and other Third Parties dealing with practice are expected to pay due regard to the provisions of this policy and are responsible for ensuring compliace with it when undertaking their jobs, dealing or representing this practice.

As a provider of private and publicly funded legal services, this practice will treat all clients equally and fairly and shall never unlawfully discriminate against them. The practice will also take steps to promote equal opportunity in access to the legal services that Gavin Renwick provides taking account of the diversity of the communities that we serve.


We are committed to meeting the diverse needs of our clients and will take steps to identify the needs of clients in our community and develop policies and procedures setting out how we will meet clients' needs for ensuring the service that we provide are accessible to all. This practice will take account, in particular of the needs of clients with a disability and clients whom are unable to communicate effectively in English. We shall also consider whether particular groups are predominant within our client base and devise appropriate policies to meet their needs. 


This Practice will continue to devise polices and procedures to promote and/or raise awareness to ensure that our services are accessible for a diverse range of clients. In particular we will:


  • in the development of our policies take account of the interests of all sectors of society;

  • ensure that whenever possible that the services we provide meet the needs and expectations of all our clients;

  • seek to influence others whom we often work with and from whom we purchase goods and services, to share our commitments to valuing the diversity of our society;

  • regularly assess progress towards becoming a diverse organisation and provider of excellent service to all sections of society;

  • Organise training to ensure that all members of staff are aware of the need to understand the purpose of the policy and to put the policy into practice;

  • ensure that all new and existing employees and/or contractors are referred to the equality and diversity policy;

  • ensure that partners and employees:

    • deal with people in a considerate, professional and courteous manner regardless of background.

    • take care to assess what clients can understand and to ask how they need to communicate - rather than make assumptions about this based on their ethnic origins, age, disability or other protected characteristic;

    • ensure that clients are advised that where the office premises are not accessible to them, a home visit can be arranged;

    • in the case of clients with a physical disability visiting our office premises, ensure that insofar as possible, their safety is assured and access to the premises is organised;

    • provide clients with an impairment (visual, hearing or speech) with options for communication;

    • in a case of client to whom English is not their first language, provide access to language interpretations/translations where possible.

Meeting Client Needs

This Practice will not unlawfully discriminate in its dealing with Third Parties. This applies to dealing with other legal service providers e.g. counsel and general procurement, medical, mechanical and other expert whom may be appointed to provide service and advice. 


We will instruct Third Parties on the basis of their skills experience and ability and will not unlawfully discriminate or encourage others to lawfully discriminate on the grounds of age gender, marital status, race, religion, sexual orientation or disability.

Dealing With Third Parties

This Practice will take appropriate action on receipt of any complaint of unlawful discrimination on any of the forbidden grounds that it is made. Any complaints of unlawful discrimination could, if upheld be treated as Gross Misconduct with the attendant consequences.

Contravention of This Policy

Anyone whom feels that they have been subjected to a breach or breaches of this policy should immediately inform Gavin Renwick whom will deal with the complaint in accordance with the Practice's grievance procedure if necessary and  invoke our disciplinary procedures if necessary. 


All complaints and reported accidents will be thoroughly investigated and the complainant shall be informed of the outcome.


We will monitor and maintain records of the number and outcome of complaints of discrimination made by employees, contractors, clients, partners or Third Parties.

Complaints Procedure

This Practice will store equality and diversity data as confidential personal data and restrict access to this information. Equality and diversity information will be used exclusively for the purpose of equality and diversity monitoring and shall have no bearing on opportunities or benefits. The elements that shall be monitored are:

  1. The recruitment and selection process.

  2. Promotion and transfer;

  3. All training;

  4. Terms & Conditions of employment;

  5. Work life balance policies e.g. flexible working requests;

  6. Grievance and disciplinary procedures;

  7. Resignations, redundancies and dismissals.

With regard to personnel and clients, the Practice will provide equality and diversity information required by the Solicitors Regulation Authority.

Scope of this Policy

We will identify equality and diversity training needs for individuals and/or the practice and draw up a plan to address these as and when appropriate. 


Equality and diversity training is one of the core subjects that will be delivered to everyone in the practice and it is anticipated that this training will take place at least every 2 years or more frequently should any issues of concern arise or major regulatory and/or legislative changes occur. 


Policy Monitoring & Review


We shall review the operation of this policy annually (or more regularly if any non-compliance or problems concerning equality and diversity issues with clients or personnel arise). This practice will take remedial action in the event of any non-compliance with this policy is discovered or if barriers to equality and diversity become more apparent. When reviewing the policy, we shall consider the outcome of monitoring and review activities in the training plan.


For any further information, please e-mail: 


The title in your subject line should be 'Equality & Diversity Enquiry'. We will endeavor to respond within 48 hour.

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